
Seringkali kita menggunakan kata “Very” untuk memberi penekanan pada sesuatu, terlalu sering menggunakan Kata ” Very”  menjadikan tulisan atau kalimat kita terasa repetitive dan standard saja.terutama dalam lingkungan Bisnis, anda akan terdengar kurang profesional.

Dalam blog ini, kita akan bahas  Phrase alternatif dari kata “Very” yang akan membantu Anda terdengar lebih artikulatif dan professional.

  1. Horrible (Instead of “Very Bad”):
    • Example: The movie was so horrible that I couldn’t finish watching it.
  2. Wonderful (Instead of “Very Good”):
    • Example: Her performance on stage was wonderful, and the audience gave her a standing ovation.
  3. Deafening (Instead of “Very Loud”):
    • Example: The fireworks at the celebration were so deafening that I had to cover my ears.
  4. Silent (Instead of “Very Quiet”):
    • Example: The library was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.
  5. Devastated (Instead of “Very Sad”):
    • Example: She was devastated when she heard the news of her best friend’s sudden illness.
  6. Ecstatic (Instead of “Very Happy”):
    • Example: When they announced the winner, he was ecstatic, jumping up and down with joy.
  7. Spotless (Instead of “Very Clean”):
    • Example: The kitchen was spotless after she spent hours cleaning every corner.
  8. Filthy (Instead of “Very Dirty”):
    • Example: The neglected room was so filthy that it took days to clean up the mess.
  9. Enormous (Instead of “Very Big”):
    • Example: The elephant in the zoo was enormous, towering over the visitors.
  10. Tiny (Instead of “Very Small”):
    • Example: The ladybug is a tiny insect that fits on the tip of your finger.
  11. Freezing (Instead of “Very Cold”):
    • Example: The wind chill made the temperature feel freezing, even though it was only autumn.
  12. Scorching (Instead of “Very Hot”):
    • Example: The desert in the summer can be scorching, with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  13. Simple (Instead of “Very Easy”):
    • Example: Solving that math problem was simple once I understood the concept.
  14. Arduous (Instead of “Very Hard”):  Example: Climbing the steep mountain was an arduous journey that required great physical strength.

Tentunya Menghilangkan “Very” dari Kosa Kata Anda Anda bisa menjadi tantangan, terutama jika Anda telah terbiasa menggunakannya selama bertahun-tahun.

Salah satu cara untuk melatih menghilangkan “Very” dari kosa kata Anda adalah dengan memahami dan memperbanyak kosa kata /alternatif phrase dari kata “ Very ” dan secara sadar menggantikannya baik dalam bentuk tulisan atau Ketika anda berbicara. Anda menjadi lebih sadar tentang seberapa sering Anda menggunakan kata “ very ” dan gantilah dengan kata deskriptif sehingga kalimat Anda lebih hidup dan terdengar lebih profesional.

Belajar bahasa Inggris dengan English Coach Jakarta

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Semua kursus kami Mengacu pada EUROPEAN standard (CEFR), dipastikan materi pembelajaran adalah bahasa Inggris dengan standard International yang digunakan di seluruh dunia.

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