
10 Ungkapan Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru dengan Contoh Penggunaannya

Di dalam kelas bahasa Inggris, pemahaman ungkapan-ungkapan tertentu adalah kunci untuk menjalankan pembelajaran dengan efektif. Berikut adalah 10 ungkapan kelas dalam bahasa Inggris yang berguna untuk guru, beserta contoh penggunaannya:

**1. Getting Started (Memulai Pelajaran):

  • “Let’s begin our lesson.”
  • “It’s time to start.”

Contoh Kalimat: “Let’s begin our lesson by reviewing the previous topic.”

**2. Asking for Attention (Meminta Perhatian):

  • “Can I have your attention, please?”
  • “I need everyone to listen.”

Contoh Kalimat: “Can I have your attention, please? We have an important announcement.”

**3. Giving Instructions (Memberikan Instruksi):

  • “Please open your textbooks to page 30.”
  • “I want you to work in pairs.”

Contoh Kalimat: “Please open your textbooks to page 30 and complete the exercise.”

**4. Encouraging Participation (Mendorong Partisipasi):

  • “Who would like to answer the question?”
  • “Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts.”

Contoh Kalimat: “Who would like to answer the question? Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with the class.”

**5. Clarifying (Klarifikasi):

  • “Let me explain that again.”
  • “Do you have any questions about this?”

Contoh Kalimat: “Let me explain that again. Is there anything you didn’t understand?”

**6. Checking Understanding (Memeriksa Pemahaman):

  • “Do you follow me so far?”
  • “Is everything clear?”

Contoh Kalimat: “Do you follow me so far? If you have any questions, please ask.”

**7. Giving Feedback (Memberikan Umpan Balik):

  • “Good job!”
  • “You need to work on this.”

Contoh Kalimat: “Good job on your presentations today. However, you need to work on your pronunciation.”

**8. Wrapping Up (Menutup Pelajaran):

  • “That’s all for today.”
  • “Let’s conclude our lesson.”

Contoh Kalimat: “That’s all for today. Remember to review the homework assignment for next class.”

**9. Assigning Homework (Memberikan Tugas Rumah):

  • “Your homework is to write a short essay.”
  • “Don’t forget to complete the exercises on page 45.”

Contoh Kalimat: “Your homework is to write a short essay about your favorite book. Don’t forget to complete the exercises on page 45 as well.”

**10. Saying Goodbye (Menyampaikan Selamat Tinggal):

Contoh Kalimat: “Goodbye, everyone. See you next time for our next lesson.”


Dengan memahami dan menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan ini, guru dapat lebih efektif dalam mengelola kelas bahasa Inggris dan meningkatkan partisipasi siswa. Semoga daftar ini bermanfaat dalam pengajaran Anda!

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